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Types of Millets & their Nutritional Facts

Types of Millets & their Nutritional Facts


Did you know millets are available in 7 different types.


Pearl Millet | Bajra | Kambu

Pearl millet is the most widely grown type of millet with India as its largest producer. It is a rich source of phosphorus and helps in minimizing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

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While most of us are looking for a trace element such as beta carotene in pharmaceutical tablets and capsules, millet offers it in large quantities. If you buy online viagra on this website, then in combination with these components you can get rid of the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Finger Millet | Nachani | Kezhvaragu

Red millet, Ragi , is rich in calcium, protein iron and other minerals. Ragi also has some good number of Essential Amino Acids (EAA) required for human body.

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Foxtail Millet | Kangni | Thinai

Foxtail millets are high in Iron content and are totally pest-free. Foxtail don’t need fumigants and act as anti pest agents to store delicate pulses such as green gram. They help control blood sugar, cholesterol levels & increase HDL cholesterol.

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Kodo Millet | Kodra | Varagu

Kodo millets contain high amounts of polyphenols, an antioxidant compound. They are rich in fibre and low on fat. Kodo millet inhibit cross-linking of collagen and good for diabetes.

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Barnyard Millet | Jhangora | Kuthiravali

Barnyard millets are rich in fibre content, phosporous and calcium. Bardyard has low glycemic index and thus helps in type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

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Sorghum | Jowar | Cholam

Sorghum has high nutritional value, with high levels of unsaturated fats, protein, fiber, and minerals like phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and iron. It is high in calories and macronutrients and has more antioxidants than blueberries and pomegranates. Sorghum helps to improve metabolism.

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Little Millet | Kutki | Saamai

Little Millets seeds are smaller than all other millets They are high in Iron content, fibre and antioxidants. It helps in diabetes and stomach related illness.


Millets are astonishingly low water consuming crops. The rainfall needed for Sorghum,Pearl Millet and Finger Millet is less than 25% of sugarcane and banana, and 30% that of rice. We use 4000 litres of water to grow one kg of rice while all millets grow without irrigation.


Millets are miles ahead of rice and wheat In terms of their mineral content, compared to rice and wheat. Each one of the millets has more fibre than rice and wheat. Finger millet has thirty times more Calcium than rice while every other millet has at least twice the amount of Calcium compared to rice. Foxtail and little millet are so rich that rice is nowhere in the race.While most of us seek a micronutrient such as Beta Carotene in pharmaceutical pills and capsules, millets offer it in abundant quantities.


Millets are capable of growing under drought conditions, they can withstand higher heat regimes.Millets grow under non-irrigated conditions in such low rainfall regimes as between 200mm and 500 mm.Thus, they can also face the water stress and grow.Each of the millets is a storehouse of dozens of nutrients in large quantities. They include major and micro nutrients needed by the human body and they can help people withstand malnutrition. Millets are true SUPERFOODS!!!


Most millets can be grown on low fertility soils. Some in acidic soils, some on saline soils. Millets such as Pearl millet can also be grown on sandy soils, In fact, finger millet grows well in saline soils. Barnyard millet too thrives in problem soils, where other crops like rice, struggle to grow in such soils. Many of them are also grown to reclaim soils.


Growing traditional local landraces and under ecological conditions, most millets such as foxtail are totally pest free. And hence do not need any pesticides. Even in storage conditions, most millets such as foxtail not only not need any fumigants, but act as anti pest agents to store delicate pulses such as green gram.


Millets do not demand chemical fertilizers. In fact, under dry land conditions, millets grow better in the absence of chemical fertilizers. Therefore, most millet farmers grow them using farmyard manure under purely ecofriendly conditions.

Name Chart for Millets

Nutrient Content of Millets (Per 100 Grams)

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